Let me sit for a little while…

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Love, A young mom’s expression about her tiny love bundle…


Hey little one,

As I hold you in this red rocking chair, I wish I could pause time for a while.  Days rolled into months and you are already 6 months old!

A day will come when this chair won’t take both of us so comfortably together, till then let me sit holding you for a little while more…

As I pull your diaper to check if it’s soiled, I smile knowing a few years down the line you will be tagged as a grown-up expecting to do a lot of things by yourself.

Your loudest cry jerks me up in the middle of a deep night, without rubbing my eyes as I pick you up and see the birth of your quarter smile, at that moment I wish to be your reason for the smile this entire life.

Within a few days you will be on your fours and then stand up on your twos, mixed with a bag of blabbering, but as excited I am to see this all, I wish that time takes a long pause in between!

It’s an inexplicable phase where your loved ones want you to grow, dream big for you and yet feel this time should pause for a while…

My little flower, my heart rejoices seeing you grow, every day is truly a new day with you.  Your giggles have filled every space in the house.  The floor is messy with 1000 toys, but the heart is filled with joy.  What a life, I often wonder, to be playing with the tiniest version of the Divine.

You were cherished before you were born, and it will only keep growing with time.

As I fill your entire face with kisses all over, the twinkle in your eye is my brightest star, as you roll your warm hands on my face awkwardly try to hold my nose, it’s the softest touch ever experienced!   So much love, so much love, so much love my daughter, how do you manage to be so amazing?

And of course, the biggest learning I have learned from you is to grow and grow and to keep growing every day, and to ensure that in every single day there is some development.  Yesterday you couldn’t move one finger, all tiny ones moved along as you tried, but today you can lift your index finger alone, you can hold so many things in your hands, you just don’t know to give up.

And I’m sure tomorrow it will be something more…  From holding your wobbling neck firm to turning your head in response to a familiar voice, to attempting to sit upright… the speed at which you are growing is a wonder, and why do we adults don’t is a question!  If you can learn so many new things every day, we can begin with at least one.

So, your Maa too has decided to learn something along with you, right from that little adjustment in the posture to bringing back a no reason giggle…

Thank you, my lovely girl, life has so much to offer and I am excited to teach you and to learn from you, packed with a bundle of cuddling and most and more kisses.

And yes yes, don’t forget, even when we both don’t fit in the same chair, the ground is big enough to cuddle you for a little while, your awkward face will want to escape, but your Maa will have your past stories to tell.

So, your Maa too has decided to learn something along with you, right from that little adjustment in the posture to bringing back a no reason giggle…

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