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We celebrate the first day of the year as a New Beginning… Isn’t every day a new day?
Every morning is a new beginning in terms of understanding, living in harmony or bliss, a day of new opportunities, a day of forgiving, a day of new challenge or another step in the ladder towards success or prosperity, a new relationship or small changes or adjustments in existing relationships, a day of realizations or cherishing moments or a day filled with surprises, baby steps of faith, loving our family members and dear ones now more than ever before… It just goes on…
We are blessed to celebrate every day as a new day and not just January 1st as a new day and the rest of the days in the year being busy with mundane routine.
Every morning is a wake-up call to say that we are blessed with a house to live, air to breathe, eyes to see, all the parts of the body functioning well, to do things in the right way, filling ourselves with right talent, potential, right thoughts, right words for uplifting oneself and others, exercising (for all those who are fitness freak), another day to fill our stomach with diet food or junk, quench our desires, freak out and admire the creation, acquainted or acquainting with basic necessities of life, right people who are the connecting links helping us in establishing our purpose.
Why then there is so much interest that is taken on New Year eve or the day of New Year to celebrate, shop for new clothes, new hairstyle, new hair colour, dance on the tip of the toe, forwarding text messages to all the contacts, cutting the cake, or forcefully spending time with people though wanting to rest on that day. This which lasts only for a few hours is exaggerated trying to make only those few hours memorable, but not fascinated on the other days in that year and which are looked at as if – distress is filled in the pocket which is to be sorted out, sometimes happy or sometimes angry, laughing for few minutes but cribbing the rest of the day, feeling jealous or loathing, labouring all throughout resulting in a day late and dollar short… etc.
Don’t just celebrate few occasions like New Year day, Christmas day or Valentines day to feel special. Live every moment such that you are not only making yourself feel very special but inspiring people around you to live every moment in a special way.
Each new day can be brightened up by thinking – what best can be contributed by us today, different approach for the mundane routine, enjoying the sip of coffee or a drive on the road, grace while talking, eyes filled with expectancy from our own efforts, reorientation of thoughts leading to rising tides lifting all the boats to embrace peace that architects our destiny, looking for the rainbow in every cloud finding new opportunities to expand, an act of kindness, becoming stronger through self-awareness, building better and valuable relationships, being a frolic person with an attitude of making anyone feel on top of the world, ensuring that we take delight in every activity…
Don’t wait for gifts from your loved ones just on your special occasions but cherish every gift that has been bestowed upon us by the Creator. Make a resolution to live every moment by making and celebrating the best of each moment, each day, each year. Start every new day, gifted to you as an empty canvas, by embracing the positive outlook and excitement to live every moment with vibrant colors, jubilant spirit, smiling heart, fill the canvas with new work that has never been done. Invent new explorations, fill oneself to create infinite things, surrounded by dense forest of love, platter of fun or pleasure or dreams, treasured memories that create good fortune, health and wealth as it is said that ending is nothing more than the backside of the beginning.
Like every drop of water forms the ocean, compiling every day lived enthusiastically, outweighing triumph leads to a fantabulous, wonderful, cherishing year ahead.
Wishing each one of you a happy new day, every day of the New Year!