The Miracle of Birth

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What can be a greater blessing than holding your child in your arms for the first time?

The Miracle of Birth
What can be a greater blessing than holding your child in your arms for the first time?
– Charuta

She clinched her fist tight for what she had just heard and read was about to happen to her. Her first contraction towards her first baby’s delivery!

She had this mixture of excitement, determination and faith running inside her. Movie scenes of women scarily screaming and sweating while delivering kept haunting her.

During the nine months of her pregnancy, she had only processed a healthy baby through a normal birth but now her heart did go through inexplicable feelings, as she began experiencing a pain she had never experienced before.

The first few hours were still so easy; she kept walking across the corridor of the labour room, glancing at her family who had found different methods to keep themselves distracted. Her mother chose to close her eyes and softly chant, her father buried his head in the phone, her husband kept staring out of the window. Occasionally they would strengthen her confidence with a hug.

She smiled, knowing she had to go through this alone. The entire world could sooth her, but those crucial few hours were hers alone to fight and emerge victoriously smiling. Soon the contractions increased, and she was asked to stop her walk and lie on the bed till they felt it was time for her to be shifted to the delivery room.

Everyday multiple times the walls of the room have witnessed the innate strength a woman possesses, her determination, her power and an essence of blossoming motherhood. How every girl faced those crucial moments of her life, each in a different way – some with faith, some with fear, some crying, some accepting and a few giving up. But here, this girl believed in faith, she believed that everything is possible with faith and that thanks to faith, everything right would happen to her. Tears of pain were inevitable, but the occasional smile of excitement overshadowed it. She realised she was just a link in the infinite loop of birthing women, just a dot to the continuity of existence, and that this was just an opportunity for her inner strength to blossom.

It had crossed 11 hours and finally, the doctor decided to shift her to the delivery room. The lights above the table blinded her and the baby began its journey from the womb to the world. PUSH PUSH PUSH engulfed her, pain is all that she could feel, aloneness is all that she could get hold of, and it continued the momentum. The environment kept aiding her, but the pain actually made her bow down to her seven generations of grandmothers, because of whom she was doing what she was doing today.

And in that pulse of a deep, deep contraction, she visualised her source of Faith holding her tight; she just knew there was pain but couldn’t feel it hurting her. Everything appeared to change in that moment. She realised that it was no ordinary moment, for her Faith Himself was participating in it too. An unknown fountain of strength opens up within her, she knew it was not her and yet all was happening through her. She was convinced it was no ordinary baby but a baby for whom the entire universe was ready to get involved and impart phenomenal power to it to be born.

And then in a moment of intensity and force, she pushed with the new strength found within and her work was done! Divinity took charge and decided to take it ahead. Her tears were no longer tears of pain, but tears in awe of the possibility of Faith, in the mysterious powers of Faith. In fact, her conviction grew even stronger that every birthing process is a moment of miracle, nothing of which is comprehendible.

Within no time she heard the sweetest voice of existence – the cry of the baby was heard! A permanent memory got etched in her and her baby’s heart as they glimpsed each other and continued to cry. To hold that little masterpiece was beyond what any poet could ever describe.

Just as we receive message from Amazon, ‘Your Parcel is Delivered to you, enjoy!’, she felt she received a message from Him, ‘My Parcel has been Delivered to you, cherish it!’

She held her girl close to her bosom and wept, whispering a thank you, for she realised that during some moments of life we aren’t capable of saying anything more, other than an eternal
‘Thank You’!

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