Good Habits – The secret to success

Weeds grow by themselves; they don’t need a farmer. On the other hand, if seeds have to be cultivated, they need a farmer. Similarly bad habits grow by themselves, good habits have to be cultivated. Are you voluntarily choosing to do what is right over wrong on an everyday basis?Mahatria, in this video, explains valuable methods by which we can develop good habits in every aspect of our life and proclaims that if we endeavor in this direction, consistently, within 3 months our life will be on an upward streak.
Unconsciously bad habits will grow in you,
but consciously you have to cultivate good habits.

Why you should watch this video?

To understand the power of habits and how they can either groom our lives to glory or hinder our progress. That depends on whether it is a good habit or a bad one.
How to develop good habits? Find your answer here in this video.

Who should watch this video?

Students, aspirational professionals, those who want to enjoy relationships, those who seek to deepen their spiritual connect, in short, those who desire a method for a holistic life…
Unconsciously bad habits will grow in you,
but consciously you have to cultivate good habits.

Why you should watch this video?

To understand the power of habits and how they can either groom our lives to glory or hinder our progress. That depends on whether it is a good habit or a bad one.
How to develop good habits? Find your answer here in this video.

Who should watch this video?

Students, aspirational professionals, those who want to enjoy relationships, those who seek to deepen their spiritual connect, in short, those who desire a method for a holistic life…



There is something called habits, you never know how it is formed in you, but it forms.  Ho jatha hey, even without your knowledge, just take a pen and with a little thrust not the way you usually write, just give it a little thrust and draw a line, it won’t come straight, it will be crooked but it’s okay just draw a line, having drawn this line now again take the pen back and start drawing the next line and you will find the next line will only flow on the previous line, because the pattern of little thrust has already been created in the first line, your second line will not go beyond the first line it will keep flowing only on the first line, that’s how habits are formed.

When I keep doing something recursively without my knowledge a point comes when it becomes a habit.  I never know when it happens, for example somewhere a 2:30 a.m. for nature’s call, or for some reason shoulder was paining because you are lying down at one side and you wake up and you reach out to your mobile to find out what is the time right now to realize hey 2:30 only, you are supposed to keep the phone back and go back to sleep, it’s only 2:30, what you do?, check in WhatsApp if there is any update, 2:30 and you are never letdown 27 asses have deposited some forwards to you, some similes to you, you have never letdown but there is there you check, it’s called you never know when it became an habit and in case a 2:30 am you checked your WhatsApp or Facebook or whatever others nonsenses are there, Instagram…  Mahatria don’t you think it’s nice, not if you are checking at 2:30 am it’s not nice, you never know when it became an habit and at 2:30 when you check suppose there is absolutely no new WhatsApp message there, whether you like it or not, and some of you have to wear spectacles also for that, and you will check whether Wi-Fi is working or not, because you have not got WhatsApp update for such a longtime Wi-Fi is not working, you will check whether it’s there or not, then you might send a test message to see whether it’s coming, put it in the group and see whether it’s getting, Aha tick mark is coming, you never know when you build that habit but it has become an habit.

Without your knowledge, it becomes a habit.  Now the question is I go through this process of beautifying myself by consciously creating some good habits, you have to consciously, you have to start something that doesn’t come naturally to you, you have to start something which you have always admired in others but it is not a part of you, and somewhere you have to begin and you have to do it repeatedly long enough till it eventually becomes a good habit in you because bad habit forms themselves, good habits have to be cultivated.  Weeds grow by themselves, weeds don’t need a farmer, they grow by themselves, seeds if they have to be cultivated it needs a farmer, similarly bad habits grow by themselves, good habits have to be cultivated, consciously you will have to cultivate.

The beauty about a human being is you are an evolving consciousness.  In one moment, you can draw a line to the entire past patterns with which you have lived your life and just crossed that line and your life from here onwards can be very different, only a human being has been bestowed and if you have to leverage that, growth has to became an all-time thirst in you, not a sometime thirst in you.

The only way you can bail yourself from all this wrong habits is to consciously cultivate enough counter good habits in you, I am saying every morning anyhow this world around through various forms of social media, various forms of visual media, various forms of print media is entering you, there is scandal here, there is corruption there, there is a rape here, there is mass homicide here, there is a terrorist strike here, there is a corporate scandal and it’s entering, it’s not doing good to you, can you counter it by reading something that is right every morning and set your mind in the right direction because feeling that we live in a wrong world is not going to make you day better, now asking you to hide from reality.  But I am saying to face this reality you must be equipped, so can you dedicate a few minutes every morning, whether you want to read your Jain dharma, or words from Quran, or something from Bible or understand a commentary on Bhagavat Gita, or read your 33 ways or somewhere two pages of a self-help book, I don’t care what it is but can we get some right thoughts into our head beginning of every day rather than beginning the day with journalistic view of the world.  The way all of you are looking at the world is how the journalist has thought you to see the world.  You don’t have a personal view of the world at all, by a mobile coming and screaming at you at 11:10 asking you to sit for a one minute silence preceded by a one minute prayer, so people ask me so you are trying to make mediation habit in us, I wish I didn’t have to but I have to admit yes, you are becoming too noisy in your head, too chaotic, the tiredness all of you feel is not because physically life has become very laborious, physically in fact life has become more comfortable, mentally life has become laborious, too much thoughts.  On an average a human being thinks 600,000 thoughts in a day, and the sad part is this out of 60,000 thousand thoughts you have in a day only 4% of your thinking you act upon remaining 96% of your thoughts is just mental deception of energy so you becoming tired, in fact not the days you did a lot of work you become a tired, the days you don’t do much, ideal mind devils workshop.  Lot of unnecessary thinking comes, and deception of energy so I am trying to create a good habit of on an everyday basis can you practice a few minutes of silence to quieten this mind.

When repeatedly coming and telling you hug your family, I am trying to create good habits in you, everyday should I hug family, nobody asked these questions to do wrong things in life should I do every day, nobody asked this question.  Everyday should I see a pornography site, nobody asked this question, everyday should I smoke nobody asked this question, everyday should I choose some nonsense nobody asked this question, if you are an alcoholic everyday should I drink nobody asked this question, everyday should I complain about life, nobody asked this question.  To do what is wrong nobody ever asked me this question, should I do wrong every day, willingly, voluntarily, self-motivated we do what is wrong on a everyday basis, then I am saying consciously, choicefully, awarefully, by decision let’s start doing what is right on everyday basis, so have you appreciated anybody today, if you haven’t appreciate somebody forcefully, call somebody, wake them in the night, tell them what…..hello, 11:30 why are you calling no I haven’t appreciated anybody today, I just want to tell you I truly appreciate you…’s okay, for some time everyday make it a conscious habit, I am not going to sleep unless I have appreciated somebody today, and after sometime appreciate becoming compulsive good finder will become a habit in you, where ever you go you will find something good, something nice to appreciate.  Make it a habit that either the beginning of the day, or the end of the day or both times in the day get up in the morning and don’t behave as if home is a lodge, some of our homes are become lodge, your sons are in room number 101, you are in 102, neeche in parents room 103, and there is a coffee table where we meet once in a way to eat, there also mobile is on, aur ake roti, maaa sabji, you don’t even know sometimes when your son is watching a mobile and asking for food, take some pedigree and put it on the table.  Let him just unconsciously take pedigree and… then he will know.  A home has turned into a lodge, no communication is happening, looks like if you have to talk to each other within the home from the other room you have to sent a WhatsApp message to this fellow then only he will see.  Let’s make it a habit, get up in the morning, and as each sleeping beauty gets up and comes half sleep… maa, coffee… give one squeeze until he wakes up, shake him up.  Amma, what are you doing, developing good habits.  He will not like you for the first day, second day, third day when he is coming itself tell you, maa no hugging okay, only coffee, at least you know he is awake right now, he is not coming like this, he is scared he will be hugged.  Attack him from behind, and trust me one day when he goes off to Stanford to study, he is going to tell you Mom missing your hugs the most, everything is here but I am missing it the most.

Taking care of your health is a good habit that has to be cultivated.  Choosing to eat what is right and avoiding what is wrong is a good habit that has to be cultivated.  Spiritual practices are good habits that has to be cultivated.  So, the only way you are going to get yourself right is by consciously, unconsciously bad habits will grow in you, but consciously you have to cultivate good habits.

I request all of you to just close your eyes.

Don’t direct your intelligence on certain compulsive habits that is already come into you instead direct your intelligence to ask yourself a simple question what are some right habits that I can cultivate in myself.  Start with one, in your personal life what is one habit that you can cultivate and enable that to grow into a habit in you, anyone in your personal life, a conscious good habit in you.  What is one habit you can cultivate in your family life; don’t go into thinking I am already doing this, I am already doing that, other than whatever you already doing what is one beautiful habit you can cultivate when it comes to you and your family.  You need to consciously practice it for a few days for a few weeks, eventually it will become a habit in you.  What is one professional habit I can cultivate part of my work ethic, part of how I do my business, part of how I lead my team.  What is one professional habit I need to consciously cultivate and force a good habit into my life, and what is one spiritual habit that you can bring into your life, one spiritual habit.

Please open your eyes.

Trust me and this is a promise, it’s a Satyam just focus on cultivating four right good compulsive habits in your personal life, family life, professional life, and the spiritual aspect of your life….occasionally you will faulter, occasionally you will miss, but just relentlessness of practice eventually it will become your very nature, and see how much your life will change in three months’ time, how much just in three months’ time you will not even be able to recognize where your life is and where your life…

But you have to endeavor on this.  I think we have developed too much dependence on outside to make our life right, and it has to start from you.  A conscious choice to cultivate one a good habit in my personal life, two a good habit in my family life, three a good habit in my professional life, and four in my spiritual connect and see what a holistic difference it’s going to create in your life, everything else will follow from there.

Begin Your Day with a Beautiful Thought from Mahatria

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