Let 2024 be one of the best years of your life.
Let 2024 be a year of holistic growth,
a year of holistic abundance.
It’s been a practice in infinitheism that
year on year we announce a theme for 2024.
And the theme that we are announcing for 2024 is
‘Importance Over Urgency’.
First, let me explain the theme
and then I’ll explain the thought
process behind the theme every year.
Our entire life has become stressful.
Everybody seems to be talking about stress.
Because it seems that most of the time
we are only managing our urgencies.
We keep postponing and pushing
things to the last minute,
to the 11th hour.
We keep procrastinating…
and only when it reaches a point where
it cannot be postponed anymore…
when a sense of urgency engulfs us,
then we start acting on it.
Ironically, urgency acts on you
on whatever is important in your life.
You need to discipline yourself to act on it.
important but not urgent.
Spiritual practices…
important but not urgent.
Investing quality time in
creating meaningful relationship…
important but not urgent.
What I mean by not urgent is,
it can always be started from tomorrow.
It could be started from 2025, 2026.
Three months later, a quarter later,
we can keep pushing things.
strengthening this relationship with your children
during their formative years
so that as Father, Mother,
you become their best friend…
important but not urgent.
And creating a second line
leadership for an organization…
important not urgent.
And when you look into the situation of our life,
most of our time goes away in managing urgencies.
And what is important never gets
enough of our focus and attention.
And when you don’t do what is important
when it’s still important,
it will deteriorate into a crisis
thrust upon a sense of urgency in you
and force you to act on it.
There are many definitions to discipline…
and one of my favourite
definition to discipline is,
‘Discipline is the ability to
invest time on what is important
before it becomes urgent’.
I repeat…
‘Discipline is your ability to invest time
on everything that is important in your life,
without allowing it to become urgent’.
So the theme for 2024
is ‘Importance Over Urgency’.
Mahatria, you could have called it
as the theme for 2024 is discipline.
No… there is a reason I’m calling
it as ‘Importance Over Urgency’
because importance over urgency
abbreviates itself into ‘I O U’.
I – Importance O – Over U – Urgency
And 2024 the theme will be IOU not
only it is importance over urgency…
Long time back in a profile I read –
‘I owe it to the person who found me!’
Whoever is the personality of your life,
whoever is your greatest inspiration,
let’s live such a 2024
that it becomes a personal dedication from you.
“I owe you!’ (IOU)
Live 2024 in ways by which
you’re able to look up to yourself.
The reason we created this
concept of a theme every year is
it brings in a sense of focus and direction.
A sense of purpose with which
we can stay in a very inspired
space right through the year.
So 366 days
(Leap year)
of 2024
can we all come together
and live by IOU – Importance Over Urgency…
Press the speed button.
Let’s be peak performers.
Let’s accomplish holistic abundance…
and by the end of the year,
with gratitude in our heart, let’s whisper
to whoever found you in life…
‘I owe this to you!’ (IOU)
With you in this journey,
I’m also challenging myself
in 2024.
Let’s grow together.
Wishing you Most and more.
Let 2024 be one of the best years of your life!
Loving you so much.
Yours truly,
Peacefully yours,