For a Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to become a Mahatma Gandhi, he didn’t have to practice 100 different things in life. Actually, he practiced only three main things in life. Everything else was only a ancillary to it.
Nothing but truth.
I represent nothing but truth. And he also defined truth as the harmony between what I feel, what I think, and what I say, there should be no censoring between… my feelings should become my thoughts, my thoughts should become my words. No manipulation should happen at any of these levels.
Even in my thoughts, I will not think against anything, not just in action, even in my thoughts, I will not think against.
I will… will live a life where everything is for and not against. I will fight for Indian independence, not against the Britishers. I will give my life for a cause, but I will not take a life. And I will not cooperate with anything or anybody, which I do not believe is right.
Disobedience, civil disobedience… you will get my cooperation, whether it’s a cause or an idea or a national policy or an individual, you will get my cooperation only to those things I believe is right. If I believe it’s not right, you can put me in jail. You can do whatever you want. Take me through the judicial system, I will not cooperate under any circumstances… only three things. Everything else is a tributary to these three things.
When you look into the life of Jesus Christ, a shepherd… a carpenter’s son to 30 years of his life… anchored his life on faith. No matter what the consequence of his life, he accepted it with faith, with ‘Prasadha Buddhi’, believing Thy will be done. God knows better why he is doing what he is doing in my life than I understand it myself.
In our language, I’m never given an experience that’s not needed for my evolution. This experience is given to me in some way, this is going to make me what I have to become in the future. I may not understand with my current maturity. But I’m never given an experience that’s not needed for my evolution. And this faith I will have no matter what the consequence of my life, including death, I will not resist it, because I will take it as God’s gift in my life.
Faith… Love in action. Love in every moment of my life, love in action, not just implicit love, ‘Anthar hey’… NO…
Love in action!
In every moment, every opportunity I get. I’m not going to miss loving the world… in the way I teach, in the way you relate, in the way I accept their love, their relationship, there will be love in actions.
And in a world of relationship, if you have to practice love, it cannot happen without Forgiveness!
People have different levels of maturity, there are always going to be times when they’re going to do things that are not right. Or they’re going to do things which I am not able to accept. If I keep getting hurt in relationship, I can’t keep loving in relationship.
Love isn’t possible without forgiveness.
Spontaneous forgiveness, not late… spontaneous forgiveness. And all these things that I’m going to practice, why? Because do unto others… what you want… Others… So, whatever is my expectation from the world, I’ll make that the basic expectation from my life. I want the world to be honest, then I will be honest, I want the world to be sincere, then I will be sincere. I want the world to be expressive, then I will be expressive.
I want a happy family, then let me first be happy in life. I’m expecting excellent performance from my team, then let me be the first. So let me be… so anything I expect from the world, I’ll make this the basic expectation from my own life. I will do unto others what I want others do unto me, and I will not do unto others. I don’t want anybody to hurt me, I will not hurt others. I don’t want anybody to manipulate me I will not manipulate others. I don’t want anybody to cheat me. So I will not cheat anybody. There are two different ways to look at it. I will do unto others what I want others do unto me; I will not do unto others what I do not want others do unto me. Either way, it comes into one sentence.
Whatever is my expectation from the world, I’ll make that as the basic expectation in my life!
Ivalo than mothamey (That is the summary…) from the life of Jesus Christ.
And with this, he lived as the Son of God, as the messenger of God.
And the world came at his feet.
Atma can become mahatma. If a carpenter’s son can become the son of God by just practicing three or four things wholeheartedly in their life and make it the very nature of their life and all other qualities in them came as a natural byproduct of four or five primary qualities they practiced in life.
Focus on that!
Are you happy always? Or are you happy only when the circumstances are right?
Everything around us right you can be happy. Even if one thing is not right. You cannot be happy. So are you always happy or only happy when circumstances are right? Are you loving only when you’re in front of Mahatria? Are you loving only with one or two people who are absolutely compatible with you? Or are you always loving? Do you produce your best work ethic? When you know you’re being monitored by a boss? Or Papa is around. Or your work ethic is at the best, even when nobody is monitoring you. Who are you when you’re alone? I don’t want to know who are you when everybody’s around? I want to know who you are when you’re alone. Are you a happy individual? Are you a loving individual? Are you a sincere individual? Do you give your best in whatever you do when you’re alone? Even when nobody is watching you. Because if certain things outside have to be right, and certain things had to be right around, for the best qualities in you to come out. Then let me tell you all those qualities are a perfume in you.
Bhar sey! (Outside in) Temporary. If these are qualities where it does not depend on anything outside of you but it’s coming from inside then those qualities are not a perfume.
It’s your fragrance.
Perfume is outside in; fragrance is inside out.
What are my qualities which are a perfume and how can I turn that into a fragrance? Don’t go after 100 things… nothing will be done!
What is one quality in me that’s actually my fragrance. Pat yourself. You will be able to love yourself; you will be able to respect yourself. What is one quality that is still a perfume and I want it to become my fragrance…
Under ideal circumstances, under all circumstances… At least one quality which is still now your perfume should become your fragrance.
What is the one quality which is your fragrance which should not be a fragrance? Always jealous? Always getting irritated, always lying. Anything makes you nervous. Easily sad? Easily hurt. Fragile ego. One moment anybody does… not in accordance to what… you flare up.
So, what is one fragrance of yours which must be dropped, it should not be a fragrance. What is the one negative quality which should never be? I know one or two of your thinking…
Antha Mathiri ethuvumey illayey en Kailey! (I do not have anything like that!)
That is the quality I want you to drop!