The easiest way I can explain this to you is, just because one day you’re going to die, will you stop living from today onwards…
87 times, Krishna mentions in Bhagavad Gita only one thing, don’t get attached. 87 times… There’s no other word he uses more than non-attachment in Bhagavad Gita saying that the more you get attached, the more miserable you will be. The more you get attached, the more you’re gonna struggle in life. In fact, all your miseries in life is because of your attachment, don’t get attached. 87 times he tells this… to that extent that when Arjuna loses his son, and he cries. The only time in the entire life of Krishna where Krishna cries is when he sees Arjuna cry.
Because he realizes even after explaining to you 87 times, about non-attachment… right in immediate… see others I did not give Bhagavad Gita, I gave Bhagavad Gita only to you and right in front of your eyes, his son is… and out of attachment you’re crying. So, which means… entire 18 chapters where, the teacher in Krishna feels like a failure for a moment. The only time Krishna cries is what is there in Bhagavad Gita. So, this is…
So, when you say everybody says, everybody says… to that last part of the whole thing, they are coming from this background, where scripture says, don’t get attached, don’t give so much love, don’t give and other things. So, they are telling this… I have a second perspective to it. Third is my perspective, second perspective to it… Just because people say you can stop loving. Just because I say somebody here will become very loving. It’s there in the nature, you’re loving, you’re loving, you’re not loving, you’re not loving. If people can listen to speeches and become lovers, or if people can listen to speeches and stop becoming lovers. Then the world will only two types of people – terrorist, and the rest of them will all be evangelist… But we are somewhere in between.
So, if you are a lover, you can’t stop loving. You can only simply keep saying, from now onwards I won’t get attached, I won’t love… Try no… Let’s see for two hours whether you can practice non-attachment, if it’s not there in your nature it’s not there. Each one of us are made up in certain fabrics, we’re made up in certain way. Anything will make few of them laugh, there are some people sitting here, whatever I do… They won’t laugh. Whatever I do they cannot laugh they’re made like that. They can’t take decision saying that from now onwards I will laugh. You have to only go and join that humor club, where in the morning you’ll have to do that artificial laughter ha ha ha ha ha… Laughter won’t be there only sound will be there…
So, certain natures in a human being by simply… Others are telling don’t love, or others are selling love, you cannot change. This is second part. Leave both… Okay? Now listen to what I’m saying… I feel there is only one chance… to be you, to be me… Let’s not miss attachment. Let’s not miss, because… whether you love them also… they’ll die. If you don’t love them also… They’ll die. See if we have any system, we can discuss… If I love – they’ll die, if I don’t love… eternally they’ll live… Then I think we should discuss this…
Anyhow whoever is going to go, is going to go. Whoever is going to be there, when they are there. Let’s give the best of ourselves to them. Let’s give the best of ourselves to them… That’s all I know… Are you trying to improve upon Krishna? I’m trying to improve upon everybody. Okay.
I feel we have to contemporize this. So, I keep talking about detached attachment. Detached, because I’m intelligent enough to realize, everything has to end at some stage. Sooner or later is the question. Everything has to end… The way I’m looking at it is… while I do accept that it will end, when it is there, I don’t want to miss it. Okay! The easiest way I can explain this to you is… just because one day you’re going to die, will you stop living from today onwards… When I have to lose a loved one, I will handle that. But when a loved one is around, I’m not going to miss it.
I’m going to love them crazy… I’m going to love them crazily… So, I’m a very very strong practitioner of detached attachment saying that, when it goes, gracefully let it go. I think that’s God’s design, we can’t do anything about it. But when it is there, you have to be 100% involved in whatever you do. So, love your little nest like they’ve never been loved. In fact, love them even more. Not enough…
Questions on love itself should not come. That extent we should love. How can questions about love… should I love them? That question itself should not come. You think Jesus Christ someday would have paused and asked, should I love this humanity so much? Do they deserve it? Is it worth it? You think a Tirthankara will be called a Tirthankara, if he was thinking about should I love or should I not love. So, I want you to become such a lover, questions on love itself should not come for you, in future. When they go, there are others to love and will continue to love the rest of them…