Mahatria ,
What is panic attack?
Can we get over it forever in our lives?
Fear is a natural state in a human being.
Fear of fear
is panic.
When I have gone through episodes of fear,
and now I am actually fearing
when will the next episode of fear will come.
Fear of fear is called panic.
A negative emotion by itself is
only a negative emotion.
But when I become reactive
about the negative emotion
that I’m going through,
it becomes hysteric.
The whole thing compounds.
Anger is a natural expression
in any form of life,
including a human being.
But when I get angry
that the world is making me angry,
it becomes aggression.
I lose my entire control.
So first, we need to understand
whatever be the negative emotion,
feeling lonely, fear, anger, nervous, getting worried,
is integral to the design of every form of life.
And here, let’s stick to human being.
It’s very integral to the whole thing.
When I feel negative about the negative emotions
I’m going through,
you’re compounding this whole thing.
I’m sorry to say this,
the only reason that happens is our environment.
For example, I’m going through fear
and I’m going and talking about my fear to my parents.
I want an environment which like a blotting paper
is able to absorb this expression of mine and say,
‘It’s okay my child…’
I’m looking for a hug, a pat,
a shoulder, a lap,
a finger that will wipe my tears…
I’m listening and claiming to listen to this whisper.
‘I understand!’. ‘It’s okay, my child!’
Instead, what do I get?
A live YouTube channel from that end,
somebody’s lecturing to me that
I should not be going through this fear.
Rejecting the emotion, I’m going through!
Right now, I’m feeling angry.
And if I cannot show it to my best friends,
if I cannot express it to people I love the most.
If I cannot express it to a relationship called my family,
which I feel more secure about…
Where will I go and dump my emotion?
And if that environment holds this against me,
and makes me feel, you know,
I am wrong or something is not okay about me,
I have a personality disorder.
And I think I need help…
all because I had an episode of anger.
My every time the environment in which I live,
the environment I trust,
the environment with which I interact the most…
My peer group, my family,
belittles a negative emotion of mine,
whatever which is…
which is a natural state in a human being.
I start fearing that negative emotion.
And I fear my emotions…
When I resist my emotions…,
I go into depression.
When I fear my fear,
I go into panic attacks.
When I become angry about
what induces anger in me,
I become aggressive.
So my first call will be to the environment.
I think we need more and more family environment,
friends’ environment, relatives’ environment…
educational institution because
that’s the prime years of growing…
where we need a world,
where we can hear more and more
these two magical words
‘I understand’
these two magical words.
‘It’s okay’.
It’s absolutely, once in a way, okay.
A technology is supposed to be perfect all the time and
we are not technology; we are humans.
So, it’s okay not to be okay once in a while.
It’s okay.
And the more and more we find that environment
the negative emotions will drain away itself;
otherwise we compound this whole thing.
Another help I would want from the environment again is
when a child is expressing their emotions,
don’t belittle the emotion.
Don’t come from this adult
perspective saying that
‘That emotion you’re going through is not right’.
See, whatever emotion I’m going through right now is real.
It’s what I’m going through.
It’s real.
Even I would realize two days later,
I need not have been that angry.
Even I will realize after the exam,
I need not have feared the exam.
Even I will realize two days later that
I still have a world that loves me,
I need not a have… felt lonely!
But right now this is what I’m feeling.
Right now I need an environment
that does not belittle
the emotions that I’m going through.
When you do not respect the emotion of a child,
the child takes it as you do not respect her/him.
They take as, ‘Nobody loves me!’
So if we can create that environment,
we will not have a world that goes through this.
As far as the individuals who are listening to it,
whatever this compound effect you’re suffering from
whatever emotion that you’re suffering from…
All I will tell you is that
‘Don’t look down at yourself!’.
I don’t know who it is, but I feel like telling you,
‘Sweetheart, it’s okay!’
‘We all have been, where you are.
And you can be one day where we have reached in life.
It’s okay!’
‘Going through a motion simply means you’re not a rock.
You’re truly human’.
‘Humans were designed by God
to go through these emotions’.
Even if it sounds repetition,
it’s okay.
I’m telling you,
‘Sweetheart, it’s okay.
You will come through this.
Just give yourself some time
and love yourself.
Thank you.