The Way to Happiness

Happiness is a fundamental human pursuit. What truly leads to happiness?
In this video, Mahatria explores simple yet powerful principles that will guide you toward a happy and fulfilled life.
Through an engaging story and an insightful demonstration, He transforms your perspective on life. With this new outlook, one can’t help but embrace happiness.
Tune in to discover practical ways to find joy and happiness in your everyday life.
Quotation Marks Logo
A complaining mind is never happy in life.
A grateful heart is always happy in life.

Why you should watch this video?

Watching this video will help you shift your perspective, appreciate your life, and ultimately help you lead a happier, more meaningful existence.

Who should watch this video?

Individuals who often complain about life, people experiencing dissatisfaction, young adults, Professionals, Parents, Educators, Entrepreneurs, etc.
Quotation Marks Logo
A complaining mind is never happy in life.
A grateful heart is always happy in life.

Why you should watch this video?

Watching this video will help you shift your perspective, appreciate your life, and ultimately help you lead a happier, more meaningful existence.

Who should watch this video?

Individuals who often complain about life, people experiencing dissatisfaction, young adults, Professionals, Parents, Educators, Entrepreneurs, etc.



A mother and a child went to a grocery shop.

When they went there

there was a lot of

like this

ribbons tied…

balloons were there.

So the child was curious the child asked the shopkeeper,

‘Kya occasion hey?’ (What is the occasion?)

And he said, ‘No, it is our shop’s anniversary celebration. So…’

And immediately he extended a tray full of sweets and told the child,

‘Beta, whatever you want you can take!’

The child said, ‘Nayi chaheye!’ (I do not want!)

The mother was very very proud about it.

A little later the shopkeeper on his own…

he took a brown cover bag,

picked as many sweets as possible…

put all that inside that cover…

And he gave the cover to the child and

the child happily received the cover.

The moment they came out,

the mother gently whacked at the head of the child and told the child,

‘Stupid fellow! I was so proud when you said you will not take it.

Why did you take it when he gave it?’

The child looked at the mother and said

‘Mama, even before entering the shop,

when I saw this tray full of sweets,

I had already decided…

If the shopkeeper asked me to take,

whatever I want

with my own hands,

I will say, ‘No’

because with my little hands,

only little will come.

Only when the shopkeeper gives it with his Bada (Big) hands,

I will take…

because only then enough will come!’

the child said.

And whatever the child said is the story of all our life.

Much more than all of us with our little hands

could have asked God,

‘Give me this… give me this…’

I think what God has given us is much, much much much more than that!

Gratitude is the way to happiness!

How grateful you are in life,

so much happy you will be in life!

In fact, even if you don’t remember anything I’ve spoken till now

remember only two sentences I’m going to speak right now…

A complaining mind is never happy in life.

A grateful heart is always happy in life.

Only two sentences you have to remember…

Even with a lot,

if you have a complaining mind

you don’t know

what is happiness and peace in life.

Even with little…

probably the boy who’s working from Bihar

in your house for 8000-rupee salary

but he is grateful that

he is living in such a house

is maybe more happier than the Malik (boss).

In spite of the fact that you have a Mercedes Maybach,

on the way to Hyderabad Shamshabad Airport

in your mind you’re thinking about…

‘Oh payment kab ayaga?’ (When will that payment come?’)

You’re not happy…

and the driver without having to buy Mercedes Benz Maybach…

while going to the airport to drop you

right through he was playing ‘Navkar Mantra’…

the moment he dropped you…

and he took a U-turn.

He changed the song to,

‘Badtameez Dil… Badtameez Dil…’

Full volume… 14 speakers…

He’s coming back happy!

He is grateful,

he gets to be your driver…

he is happy.

You’re complaining about

what is still not going right for you in life…

you can’t be happy!

In the entirety of this universe…

If God wanted he could have created us anything…

You could have been a mosquito…

you could have been a donkey…

you could have been a pig…

You could have been Taj Mahal…

you could have been Jupiter planet…

Just imagine…

God had created you as a Jupiter planet!

Rest of your life you have to keep doing this…

And no weight loss…

See… as a human being

at least you do this

some calorie burn will be there!

Poor Jupiter!

Full life its doing this…

Of no use.

Jupiter doesn’t even know it’s called ‘Jupiter’.

‘Oska awareness nahi hey!’ (It does not have that awareness!)

The greatest that could have happened to all of us is,

God created us as a human being…

Aur kya chahieh? (What else do you need in life?)

What else do you require in life to be happy in life?

I’m speaking to you in English. English is not your mother tongue.

Which means any one of you is listening to me and

understanding me know at least two languages minimum…

Your mother tongue plus English or Hindi plus English minimum

you know two languages.

Joe Biden knows only one language.

We are more educated than the most powerful man in the world.

Aur kya chahiye life me? (What else do you want in life?)

Of all the creations of God,

man alone can love and be loved!

I know any one of you have pets,

you will say, ‘My dog also loves me!’

I’ve always lived with animals…

have always been part of my life

always been part of my life.

But love with responsibility…

only a human being can… nobody else can.

God became a human being

and human being has the potential through salvation

to become God again.

No other creation has been given this privilege.

Aur kya chaheye? (What else do you want in life?)

The child was right!

In fact, if each one of us have to express our gratitude every day

for what all is going right for us in life,

the rest of our life will not be enough to only express gratitude.

This day in your life…

is a God’s gift in your life!

There is no other way you could have had this day.

Because a ‘today’ in your life cannot be bought

with all the money in the world

you cannot buy a day of life.

With all the powers in the world,

you cannot get a day of life.

It’s not available in the market.

Today in your life is either given by God to you or…

Just being grateful for another day of life…

I’ll show a simple demo. Okay.

So this is an handkerchief right now.

Somebody here came and gave me this as a gift.

I take this handkerchief from them and say,

‘You’re giving me a handkerchief as a gift? What nonsense…’

And I throw it?

By abusing the gift, I’ve actually abused the giver of the gift.

Right or wrong?

Let’s do another scenario.

Somebody comes and gives this kerchief to me.

And I take this and say,

‘Thank you so much. You can be sure for the rest of my life, I will preserve it!’

And I keep it inside my pocket.

By cherishing the gift, I have actually cherished the giver of the gift.

Today, is God’s gift in your life.

By simply being grateful for this gift,

you’re cherishing the giver of this gift.

So for me, the ultimate form of prayer and life is,

‘If you can live every day as a human being and be useful to the world…

You’re doing God’s work in your lifetime.

And for me, that is the way to happiness.

Happiness is a byproduct of living a useful life.

If you know you’re living a useful life,

the byproduct of that is happiness.

And as long as you can practice gratitude

for everything that is going right for you in life,

as long as…

Right now look at it.

And there must be Doctors sitting here…

20 trillion calculations have to be done

for you to be alive this moment

inside your body

while you’re listening to my speech…

20 trillion calculations are going on internally to keep you alive.

If this doesn’t make you grateful, nothing will make you grateful.

In fact, the simplest prayer,

to live a happy life can only be…

‘This life of mine is your gift to me, my lord!

The way I live this life of mine will be my gift unto You.

My life is my prayer.’

There is this expression in the Rigveda

where the devotee is expressing this expression to God,

‘My Lord, I have received so much from you.

And I don’t know what I can give back to you.

Because I thought

I will offer these flowers to you

but these flowers are already yours.

I thought I will offer fruits to you

but the fruits are already yours.

I thought I will pray to you with my words

but the air I will use to pray to you is already yours.

My Lord, I have received so much from you.

I want to give something in return to you

but I have nothing to give you because everything is already yours.

Why have you put me in such a helpless situation,

my Lord that I have received everything from you…

but I have nothing to give you because

whose flowers can I offer to whom?’

In Rigveda it’s there.

One day I had this profound insight…

I’m cutting a long story short,

and I realized…

and this was my communication to God.

‘My lord flowers are yours.

But if they have to become a garland I have to work.

Only if I work, flowers will become garland…

Flowers are yours, work is mine.

Fruits are yours

but if I have to offer fruit salad to you

fruits don’t become fruit salad by itself

I have to work

only if I work it will become fruit salad.

Fruits are yours, work is mine.

Iron ore is yours.

If I have to turn it into steel

I have to work… only then… Iron ore will…

Gold is yours my God!

But if it has to become a necklace I have to work.

If I don’t work it will not become a necklace.

All the raw material is yours my God…

All the work is mine.

So from now onwards, all the work I do is my offering unto you.

and my Lord, because we offer nothing but the best to you,

I will ensure all the work I do

will always remain the best.

So my simple principle to the way I live my life is

whether I’m cutting carrots for my wife,

or making coffee for my father when he was there

or taking this session…

All the work I do is my offering to the Lord.

Hence it has to be the best there cannot be a compromise.

And a byproduct of that is happiness in life.

Begin Your Day with a Beautiful Thought from Mahatria

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