How to deepen the experience in non-doing?
Man is a product of greed!
So, man starts everything because… we have somehow told him, ‘What’s in it for you?’ If you do this, you will get this. If you do this, you will get this. you do this… So, spirituality also we start with an end motive…
My beloved Mahatria, thank you for giving me all the support and the energy every day. I’ve been able to do my non-doing and would like to know how to deepen that experience in non-doing is it external? Or internal? Or is it existential? Thank you Mahatria.
No, it’s internal… I wouldn’t even call it external… because existential is how you magnetize it, it’s purely internal. See, initially when we all start spiritual practices, we start because we’ve been told to do so. We’ve been sold a desire. See, man is a product of greed, man goes to God because there’s benefit to it… man meditates because there’s benefit to it… man practices spirituality because there’s benefit to it… man does everything that he does, because somewhere he has been lured by… even somebody says I want to renounce, he’s renouncing because people have told him heaven is better than earth.
So, he thinks somehow if I attain Moksha and I go there, Ramba, Oorvasi and all will be there, okay. Compared to neighboring aunty, they will look more beautiful. Some something as a river of wine will be there, even heaven has been sold to him… Man is a product of greed. So, man starts everything because, we have somehow told him what’s in it for you.
If you do this, you will get this… if you do this, you will get this. You do this… So, spirituality also we start with an end motive, we know we will get all these things. Somewhere, you have to transcend the need… for the fruit. You have to transcend. It has to become experience for, experience sake. Happiness for happiness’ sake, love for love’s sake, faith for faith’s sake, silence for silence’s sake. It has to become without any end motive and objective. You have to start loving, being in that silence. even… exercise. Beyond a stage, it’s not about to show the muscles or it’s not about weight reduction.
It’s not about… how many Surya Namaskaars I can do. It’s not about… to come out of a pain, process for process’s sake. That is when you dissolve… when the processor and the process can dissolve into the experience. Everything deepens, not just silence. And depth is called existence. Shallow is called material; depth is called existence. The moment you start deepening this entire thing. And you will deepen it when you start dissolving into it.
For every step you take in that direction, existence will take 10 steps towards you automatically. So, we need… some of us at least, we need to start practicing spirituality for spirituality’s sake, not for some end objective. At least let’s stop trading and bartering with God. At least in that one aspect of life let it not be a transaction anymore. If I do this, I’ll get this… I’m doing this so that I will get this… Somewhere it has to begin. Somewhere we have to stop being transactional, and just dissolve into the whole experience…