I know it’s a strong sentence. I know you’ve heard it. But I can speak with a lot of experiential validity from my own life.
Purpose of some people’s life is to ask this question, ‘What is the purpose of life?’ Okay. They will drive their life like this… As far as I’m concerned, there is only one purpose in life for everybody… In what you’re good at, you should be useful to the world, period. That’s all…
Whatever you’re good at. I cannot decide what you’re good at. If you’re good at cooking, you’ve to be useful to the world, you’re good at singing you’ve to be useful to the world, you’re good at fashion designing, you’ve to be useful to the world. You know how to make money, you’ve to be useful to the world, you know how to work, you’ve to be useful to the world, you have that hands where which it can turn anything into greenery, that is how you have to be useful to the world. Each one of us have to find out what we are good at. And in whatever you’re good at, you have to be useful to the world.
Start, let the world startle… world is it… Ah! So where do we begin… Do I start a NGO? Start with your family. That’s your world. To the remaining people inside your nest, see how you can be… If one of you,
it’s so easy for you to be motivated, this is where you’re going to be. You’re going to keep your family motivated.
For one of you sitting here, you are a connoisseur when it comes to cooking, that’s what you’re going to do.
Some people here have the art of making money, that’s what you have to do. You have to maximize this entire growth so that more customers, more suppliers, more employees, and indirectly through taxes, more citizens of the country is able to benefit…
Each one of us have to find out what we are good at and be useful to the world. That alone is the purpose of life. In fact, if you do this long enough… God will come in search of you, you don’t have to go in search of God. If somewhere you think purpose of life is self-realization, so I’ll go and stand on one leg somewhere, because I have seen… Nothing will happen. Only in movies… and till the end all will come.
I am telling you the easiest way to practice spirituality is not in the jabams, not in the chanting not in the rituals… Simply increase a percentage of selflessness in your life. That to me is spirituality in action.
What is the quantum of your life that is selfless? Whatever it is… It’s not about me. It’s not about me, mine myself, it’s about others. Anything that you can do, which will serve the larger good of the world, that means you’re doing things out of selfless intent.