Mahatria, what are the top habits
for professional success
that one can follow?
The number one will be to
expect more from yourself.
Number one…
My own expectations of
what I need to deliver
must be greater than
my organizational or customer or
leadership expectation from me.
So the number one quality
I would always say is,
‘Expect more from yourself!’
‘Align yourself to the highest work ethic’.
There has to be a work ethic,
whatever that is.
I’m not trying to specify ‘This is’…
whatever that is.
Whether it’s going on time or
taking the first few minutes to organize your day or
plan your day or
having a few reminder stickers around…
so that, you know, as you complete every…
You need to find out what works for you.
But each one of us have to align ourselves
to the highest work ethic.
Personally, for me,
the first 10 minutes of any day,
I want to be alone,
I don’t want to interact with people.
Because the more organized
I find myself in my own head,
the better is the productivity
the rest of the day.
If I begin the day with other people
and with other interaction,
I haven’t self-organized…
This is one example.
Each one of us have to find out
what is that work ethic that works for you.
But align yourself to the highest work ethic
and follow that consistently.
‘Do not get carried away by temporary success’.
There’s a bigger picture to it.
Derive motivation from every milestone
that you achieve in life.
And stay focused on the bigger picture.
You’re here to be a big-match player.
‘Don’t get shaken by temporary setbacks’.
Life is an integrated package.
Nobody wins it all.
Nobody fails in everything.
So there will be setbacks.
Turn mistakes into transformational opportunities,
find out what you can learn,
up your competence,
and continue to focus on the bigger picture and
keep moving forward.
But there are two things which supersedes
the four that I’ve already listed.
Most of our waking hours
is in our place of work.
A person who is not happy in his workplace
cannot be happy in life.
When we sleep, there is not much of life.
And most of our waking hours
is at our place of work.
I repeat.
Someone who is not happy in his workplace
is not happy in life.
Anything you do,
you have to do it out of happiness.
Don’t see work as a burden.
‘See work as a celebration’.
Work is a mirror that reflects you to you.
It’s only through work
you’ll learn so much about yourself.
And every standard of life
that you will fill your life with
will only come
as a byproduct of the work you do.
So work has to be a celebration.
So find immense happiness
in the work that you do.
And the sixth,
the last one is
‘Work has to be
an expression of your strengths’.
In case you’re in a work,
which is probably bringing out your weakness
a lot more than your strength,
I think you need a career shift.
I see a lot of capable people,
not leveraging their strengths.
They pick up a profession…
Some of you are,
you know, one-man army.
You’ll never be great in a team environment.
And you shouldn’t be playing golf.
You’re in a team sport.
In spite of the fact
you have the capability, you will fail.
Some of you should ask those one-man responsibilities
from your organization
where you know,
you can execute it…
Your competition is with yourself.
Some of you are meant to be team players.
So your work should leverage your strengths.
So you should be in a team
and that is when the best will come out.
Some of you are extraordinary in execution.
if you’re sitting in a thinking profile,
you will not deliver
because your greatest strength is execution.
Some of you are thinkers.
If you’re given a job profile,
which is all about execution,
you will overthink the whole thing rather than deliver.
So each one of us have to find out.
I’ve given four examples there.
There is so much more.
But each one of us have to find out,
what is your core strength?
What if you are a technology person
and you’re in a people-centric work?
What if you’re a people person,
and you’re all the time on a desk…
typing on the keyboard?
So find out what is your strength
and your work should leverage your strength.
If your work is only exposing your weaknesses all the time…
you need a career shift.
If you can get these six things right.
Expect more from yourself.
Align yourself to the highest work ethic.
Get motivated by your temporary success.
Learn from your short-term setbacks.
Bring happiness to your work, and
Ensure that your work is an expression of your strength.
You’re the man to watch.
You’re the woman to watch
as far as the future is concerned.
You will press your speed button.
Thank you.