Make it big in life!

This compilation encapsulates the essence of Mahatria‘s insights on Success.
Understanding why success matters, the secret of successful people, what guarantees failure, why only a few succeed, and the mindset of a champion will empower you to reach your goals and unlock your full potential.
Whether you’re a novice or an experienced seeker in this journey of success, the transformative power of Mahatria‘s timeless wisdom will accelerate your success.
Quotation Marks Logo
You will be liked because
you’re a nice human being.

You will be respected only
because of your success.

Why you should watch this video?

Delve into Mahatria‘s timeless wisdom to accelerate your journey toward success.

Who should watch this video?

Aspiring professionals, Students, Entrepreneurs, Senior Managers, and everybody who desires success.
Quotation Marks Logo
You will be liked because
you’re a nice human being.

You will be respected only
because of your success.

Why you should watch this video?

Delve into Mahatria‘s timeless wisdom to accelerate your journey toward success.

Who should watch this video?

Aspiring professionals, Students, Entrepreneurs, Senior Managers, and everybody who desires success.



I’m telling you a very, very important lesson

that I’ve learnt in life.

Because you are nice, people will like you temporarily.

Because you are a success in life,

people will come after you permanently.

Always remember, this is for all of you.

It’s a very difficult truth to accept.

Nobody wants to accept this but I’m telling you…

You will be liked because

you’re a nice human being.

You will be respected only

because of your success.

You can speak whatever you want to speak.

Gandhi itself because he is a success only,

Mahatma and all we have given

otherwise we would have removed.

If after the entire Bhagavad Gita was delivered,

Arjuna failed in the war.

Do you think anybody would have even talked about it?

Nobody would have…

Marata Sivaji’s statue and photograph

in every house in Pune would have been there

if he was not a success.

Nobody cares.

This world has seen a lot of very, very nice human beings.

Dadi must be an extraordinary woman.

But finally, when a foundation is started,

it will be started on Dadhu’s name.

Not on Dadi name.

Because Dadhu is a success.

Dadi is a selfless, extraordinary women.

But Dadi’s name it won’t get started.

Dadhu’s name only it’ll get started because

he was the success.

So, end of the day, you have to be a success.

‘How do I do that?’

By simply creating an internal discipline.

Right over pleasure, ALWAYS!

Whatever is right, has to be held higher than

the pleasures of life, always.

Whenever I do a program for entrepreneurs,

I will always ask this question to them.

‘Don’t ask, what do big companies do?

Instead ask,

what did big companies do

when they were still small that made them big?’

So, the question is not

what do successful people do with their time?

The question is

what did people do

with their time

that made them successful?

And the first thing is to identify

your timewasters, time-stealers,

and plug those holes.

How much ever water I give to the paddy field,

if there are ratholes there,

the water will go into the ratholes,

it will not reach the roots of the plants.

If I do not create a discipline on expenditure,

doesn’t matter how much I earn,

everything will get wasted.

Same is the case with time.

We all have the same 24 hours.

From a pauper to the king,

everybody has exactly the same 24 hours.

Successful people became successful people because

they put their time to growth.

People who are not successful

in spite of the fact they have the same

God-given potential is because,

a lot of their time gets wasted.

So first, you have to identify what are all…

the time-stealers and time wasters.

People say, ‘I’m just killing time’

You don’t kill time…

Time is killing you.

Life is slipping one day at a time.

If you don’t make the most of today,

today is never going to come again in your life.

So, the first thing is to ensure that

you reduce the wastage of time,

in the name of ‘I need stress relief…

I need a change of mind…’

I think we’re wasting a lot of time

without realizing there are a lot of growth-oriented ways

by which you can have a change of mind.

That is the first thing.

The second thing is

to realize,

if everything you’re doing in life

is only after you reach a stage

where you cannot procrastinate it anymore…

Push it, push it, push it, push it and

push it to the 11th hour,

after which you cannot push it anymore

and hence you do it.

Then there is not going to be excellence

because everything that is done only out of urgency…

you can complete it

but there will be lack of excellence.

Look at all the people who are successful.

I think they plan to do

what is important

even before it becomes urgency.

Ordinary people,

by investing enough of their time

in doing things that are important

before they become urgent…

they become successful people.

Where your time goes…

there your future comes.

If your time is all the time going to deal with urgency.

The future also will be managing urgency.

If your time keeps going to whatever is important…

then I think you script a very beautiful future for yourself.

Am I thinking right?
Whenever I discussed about getting thoughts and feelings right
one question everybody ask me is,
Mahatria, just because I get my thoughts and feelings right
can you guarantee everything will go right
at the level of action always – no guarantees.
Just because you exercise daily
it doesn’t mean you won’t get ailment…, you will.
Just because I have extraordinary strategies,
doesn’t mean every product will necessarily sell well.
Just because every marriage starts at an auspicious time
doesn’t mean every marriage is going to turn out to right…
but understand this:
Positive thinking doesn’t guarantee success
but negative thinking guarantees failure.
Just because I am there in a race in the starting block and
there are seven other athletes with which I am going run and
I am telling myself,
‘I am going to win and
I promised my son
I am going to do it for him and
I am going do it and
I have full of confidence and
I am ready to run this race,
there is no guarantee because
others are also thinking positive.
You are not the only one who is thinking positive…
Positive thinking doesn’t guarantee success but
one thing guarantee is there…
‘I am there in the starting block,
I look at this side
he is there in the race is it?
Oh my God, he is also there, is it?
I don’t think I am going win,
you don’t have to run the race, go.
Come let’s go the other way,
Go in the reverse…
because anyhow you are not going to win,
it’s not going to happen.
‘All the best for your exam!’
‘Sure Mahatria!
I am going to do very well!’
You might still end up with 98,
you might end up with 90,
you might end up with 66
depending on what sort of a student you are.
‘All the best for your exam!’
‘What all the best,
I don’t think I am going to pass!’
Don’t even go and write the exam.
Spare the examiner some trouble…
Anyhow you are going to fail
because you write such answers sometimes
the examiner gets a doubt…
‘What was the question?’
And some of you can write such answers
where examiner doesn’t get a doubt
‘What is the question?’
His doubt is
‘What subject is this?’
Positive thinking doesn’t guarantee success,
negative thinking guarantees failure!
So might as well think positive…
At least you increase the probabilities of success.
The difference between people

who can be great and people who are great

is not in potential;

it is in process excellence.

You want to see how organizations have become brands,

you want to see how businesses have become organizations,

you want to see how people have achieved this

multi-layered managerial system,

where the guy sitting at the top

is able to just share his vision

and up to the end, the whole organizational efficiency

it percolates and operates,

you want to create a global MNC?

Is there a potential in you? Yes.

Is there a potential in the market

for your product or services? Yes.

Do you have the capability to be

one of the top guys in the world in whatever you do? Yes.

Will you be?

Has nothing to do with market potential, your potential…

It has to do with…

Do you have the discipline towards Process Excellence?

With Process Excellence, you can be everything;

without Process Excellence, you are nothing.

In fact, sometimes you find the most intelligent people

compromise on the process the most,

because they have this air about them.

‘I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.’

They’re so good that they think they don’t need the process.

I am just thinking because the generally average,

understands I’m not that good, so puts in the hard work.

The really capable, feel so capable

they don’t commit themselves to the process.

I am just thinking,

what sort of greatness will it be,

a combination of these most capable people,

but there’s also discipline to the Process Excellence.

And as a combination, what happens?

People who are there,

are there for a reason,

not accidentally.

It’s not that he was just loitering around

and found himself at the top of Mount Everest.

There was Process Excellence in Sir Edmund Hillary.

If there is Process Excellence,

I’m not even saying you’ll experience the results to your expectation.

I’m saying you’ll experience the results that will

surpass your expectations.

So do you want to live your life with the potential to be great?

Or do you want to be great?

And nobody can help you in this except yourself, not even God.

Nobody can help you in this, except yourself.

Because nobody else

can discipline process excellence into your life, except yourself.

Nobody else will be able to do it in any aspect.

Potential plus Process Excellence equal to greatness.

Potential, there is no negotiation. Now you know what is left.

It’s up to you!

I cannot do better than the rest.

Because I don’t know what the rest is capable of.

So, the mindset of every champion is

‘I’ll give my best.

And one day, my best will be better than the rest’.

Then that will make me a champion.

And that is only thing that I can control!


I will keep myself in the zone,

I’ll give my best.

I will commit myself to continuous improvement,


my today’s performance is better than

my yesterday’s performance.

My competition is actually with myself

not with anybody else,

because I cannot control anybody else,

whatever it is.

So the mindset of all the champions is,

first and foremost,

they don’t waste their energy

in thinking about things that is not in their control,

and they channelize their entire energy

into what they can control,

which is themselves.

And once I channelize

my entire energy to myself,

and create this mental discipline,

‘My competition is with myself,

I have to be the best’.

The mindset of a champion

is what creates a champion.

And the mindset of a champion has to be

‘My competition is with myself,

and I’ll give my best.

And the day when my best is better than the rest.

I will shine there… the winning podium as a champion’.

Get your inside right.

The outside will take care of itself.

Begin Your Day with a Beautiful Thought from Mahatria

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